Results for 'Pilar Centeno Galván'

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  1. Desde Robert Owen: contexto histórico y de pensamiento en la génesis del “socialismo utópico”.José Ramón Álvarez Layna & Pilar Centeno Galván - 2008 - A Parte Rei: Revista de Filosofía 55 (55):1-22.
    ABSTRACT: In this text, we are going to try to introduce a few brief notes - without excessive pretensions -, concerning those things that, from a historical and also from an intellectual and point of view, surround the figures of Robert Owen, Fourier or Saint Simon. Certainly, intellectually, our sources do not let us notice a very specific influence on the "utopian socialists" of the 19th Century. It will be very difficult to find historical evidence. However, what we can do (...)
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  2. Two Types of Ontological Frame and Gödel’s Ontological Proof.Sergio Galvan - 2012 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 4 (2):147--168.
    The aim of this essay is twofold. First, it outlines the concept of ontological frame. Secondly, two models are distinguished on this structure. The first one is connected to Kant’s concept of possible object and the second one relates to Leibniz’s. Leibniz maintains that the source of possibility is the mere logical consistency of the notions involved, so that possibility coincides with analytical possibility. Kant, instead, argues that consistency is only a necessary component of possibility. According to Kant, something is (...)
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  3. A Classical Logic of Existence and Essence.Sergio Galvan & Alessandro Giordani - 2020 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 29 (4):541-570.
    The purpose of this paper is to provide a new system of logic for existence and essence, in which the traditional distinctions between essential and accidental properties, abstract and concrete objects, and actually existent and possibly existent objects are described and related in a suitable way. In order to accomplish this task, a primitive relation of essential identity between different objects is introduced and connected to a first order existence property and a first order abstractness property. The basic idea is (...)
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  4. Pertinencia de la metodología de enfoque de Sistemas Socio-Ecológicos (SSE) para determinar los actores y sistema de gobernanza en un conflicto ambiental: Estudio de caso del Arroyo de San Basilio de Palenque.Mauricio Luna-Galvan, Iván Vargas-Chaves & Luisa Guerra - 2019 - In Gloria Amparo Rodriguez & Adolfo Ibañez-Elam, Las disputas ambientales en Colombia. Grupo Editorial Ibáñez.
    El presente texto presenta los resultados de un estudio exploratorio de las interacciones entre el sistema de gobernanza y de los actores como causa de la contaminación del arroyo de San Basilio de Palenque en Colombia. Lo anterior, a partir de la validación de la metodología de enfoque de sistemas socio-ecológicos como método de caracterización de conflictos ambientales con impactos culturales.
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  5. Espacio vivido y ciberespacio.Pilar Fernández Beites - 2007 - In César Moreno, Rafael Lorenzo & Alicia Ma de Mingo, Filosofía y realidad virtual. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza.
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  6. Botany as a New Field of Knowledge in the Thirteenth Century: On the Genesis of the Specialized Sciences.Mustafa Yavuz & Pilar Herraíz Oliva - 2020 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 42 (1):51-75.
    The reception of the translations of Aristotelian and pseudo-Aristotelian works at the University of Paris in the thirteenth century promoted a new understanding of the sciences as specialized fields of knowledge. The huge amount of translations required a new organization of knowledge, which included novel subjects and categories. Among these there is a very special case, namely the pseudo-Aristotelian De plantis, translated from Arabic into Latin and then back into Greek to be re-translated into Latin again. De plantis was included (...)
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  7. La inclusión como elemento integrador de las estrategias de adaptación al cambio climático: el caso del Plan 4C en la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias.Mauricio Luna-Galván, Iván Vargas-Chaves & Anna María Franco-Gantiva - 2020 - In Gloria Amparo Rodríguez, Retos para enfrentar el cambio climático en Colombia. Editorial Universidad del Rosario. pp. 207-242.
    Este capítulo de libro argumenta que la formulación de estrategias de adaptación en el caso de Cartagena necesita adoptar una visión integral de la resiliencia ante los impactos económicos y sociales de los riesgos climáticos. Para lograrlo, el sector privado y público tienen que integrar a la comunidad afectada, sin apartarse del contexto y respaldando el desarrollo de las capacidades sostenibles, la implementación sólida de proyectos, así como la sostenibilidad de las estrategias de adaptación climática. El principal objetivo es, por (...)
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  8. Pertinencia de la metodología de enfoque de Sistemas Socio-Ecológicos (SSE) para determinar los actores y sistema de gobernanza en un conflicto ambiental: Estudio de caso del Arroyo de San Basilio de Palenque.Mauricio Luna-Galvan - 2019 - In Gloria Amparo Rodriguez & Adolfo Ibañez-Elam, Las disputas ambientales en Colombia. Grupo Editorial Ibáñez. pp. 239-256.
    [Spanish Abstract] El presente texto presenta los resultados de un estudio exploratorio de las interacciones entre el sistema de gobernanza y de los actores como causa de la contaminación del arroyo de San Basilio de Palenque en Colombia. Lo anterior, a partir de la validación de la metodología de enfoque de sistemas socio-ecológicos como método de caracterización de conflictos ambientales con impactos culturales. [English Abstract] This paper presents the results of an exploratory study of the interactions between the governance system (...)
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  9. Lost without you: the Value of Falling out of Love.Pilar Lopez-Cantero & Alfred Archer - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (3-4):515-529.
    In this paper we develop a view about the disorientation attached to the process of falling out of love and explain its prudential and moral value. We start with a brief background on theories of love and situate our argument within the views concerned with the lovers’ identities. Namely, love changes who we are. In the context of our paper, we explain this common tenet in the philosophy of love as a change in the lovers’ self-concepts through a process of (...)
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  10. Falling in Love.Pilar Lopez-Cantero - 2022 - In André Grahle, Natasha McKeever & Joe Saunders, Philosophy of Love in the Past, Present, and Future. Routledge.
    Most philosophers would agree that loving one’s romantic partner (i.e., being in love) is, in principle, a good thing. That is, romantic love can be valuable. It seems plausible that most would then think that the process leading to being in love—i.e. falling in love—can be valuable too. Surprisingly, that is not the case: among philosophers, falling in love has a bad reputation. Whereas philosophy of love has started to depart from traditional (and often unwarranted or false) tropes surrounding romantic (...)
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  11. The Break-Up Check: Exploring Romantic Love through Relationship Terminations.Pilar Lopez-Cantero - 2018 - Philosophia 46 (3):689-703.
    People who experience love often experience break-ups as well. However, philosophers of love have paid little attention to the phenomenon. Here, I address that gap by looking at the grieving process which follows unchosen relationship terminations. I ask which one is the loss that, if it were to be recovered, would stop grief or make it unwarranted. Is it the beloved, the reciprocation of love, the relationship, or all of it? By answering this question I not only provide with an (...)
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  12. Relevant Logics, Counterfactual Worlds, and the Understanding of Narrative.Luis Galván - 2019 - In Matei Chihaia & Katharina Rennhak, Relevance and Narrative Research. Lexington Books. pp. 37-60.
    The aim of this paper is to explore what insights relevant logics may provide for the understanding of literary fictional narrative. To date, hardly anyone has reflected on the intersection of relevant logics and narratology, and some could think that there is good reason for it. On the one hand, relevance has been a prominent issue in pragmatics, in the tradition of Grice, and Sperber and Wilson; thus framed, relevance is highly context-sensitive, so it seems unsuitable for formal analysis. On (...)
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  13. Non-harmonious love.Pilar Lopez-Cantero - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 30 (3):276-297.
    A common approach in the philosophy of love defines love as caring about one another and promoting one another's interests, aims and values. The view faces several problems and has been re-formulated to avoid them. However, here I argue that a larger re-formulation of the definition of love is needed in order to accommodate three instances of what I call 'non-harmonious' relationships. I identify three types of non-harmonious love (featuring problematic interests, opposing interests and neutral interests the lovers do not (...)
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  14. Three stages of love, narrative, and self-understanding.Pilar Lopez-Cantero - 2023 - In Alba Montes Sánchez & Alessandro Salice, Emotional Self-Knowledge. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 147-167.
    The idea that love changes who we are is widely shared, and has been mostly explored from a stance in the middle stage of love (i.e., when people already love each other). But how do we get there? And what happens when love ends? In this chapter, I explore how self-understanding may be shaped in different ways at different stages of love through the notions of narrative and existential feeling. As I will argue, love gains narrative momentum at the beginning, (...)
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  15. La estructura narrativa del amor romántico.Pilar Lopez-Cantero - 2019 - In Mercedes Rivero Obra, Identidad y emoción a través de la interacción con el sujeto. pp. 63-82.
    En este capítulo, defiendo que el proceso de identificación presente en relaciones de amor romántico tiene una estructura narrativa en tres niveles: social, intersubjetivo y personal.
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  16. Caring for Strangers: Can Partiality Support Cosmopolitanism?Pilar Lopez-Cantero - 2016 - Diacritica 30 (2):87-108.
    In their strife for designing a moral system where everyone is given equal consideration, cosmopolitan theorists have merely tolerated partiality as a necessary evil (insofar it means that we give priority to our kin opposite the distant needy). As a result, the cosmopolitan ideal has long departed from our moral psychologies and our social realities. Here I put forward partial cosmopolitanism as an alternative to save that obstacle. Instead of demanding impartial universal action, it requires from us that we are (...)
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  17. How to Know a City: The Epistemic Value of City Tours.Pilar Lopez-Cantero & Catherine Robb - 2023 - Philosophy of the City Journal 1 (1):31-41.
    When travelling to a new city, we acquire knowledge about its physical terrain, directions, historical facts and aesthetic features. Engaging in tourism practices, such as guided walking tours, provides experiences of a city that are necessarily mediated and partial. This has led scholars in tourism studies, and more recently in philosophy, to question the epistemological value of city tours, critiquingthem as passive, lacking in autonomous agency, and providing misrepresentative experiences of the city. In response, we argue that the mediated and (...)
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  18. Love by (Someone Else’s) Choice.Pilar Lopez-Cantero - 2020 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 10 (3):155-189.
    Love enhancement can give us as a say on whom we love and thus ‘free’ us from our brain chemistry, which is mostly out of our control. In that way, we become more autonomous in love and in our life in general, as long as love enhancement is a free, voluntary choice. So goes the argument in favour of this addition to medical interventions of relationships. In this paper, I show that proponents of love enhancement have overlooked, or at least (...)
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  19. Nature and the Unlovable.Pilar Lopez-Cantero - 2022 - Constructivist Foundations 17 (3):208-209.
    Can our relationship with nature be loving and reciprocal? The claim is hard to sustain when nature is taken to encompass polluted and urban places. The notion of reciprocity loses its force, and the lovability of these places is put into question. Also, the demand of love may obscure the ethical demand in our relationship with nature: to be responsible in our meaning-making practices.
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  20. Syntactic characterizations of first-order structures in mathematical fuzzy logic.Guillermo Badia, Pilar Dellunde, Vicent Costa & Carles Noguera - forthcoming - Soft Computing.
    This paper is a contribution to graded model theory, in the context of mathematical fuzzy logic. We study characterizations of classes of graded structures in terms of the syntactic form of their first-order axiomatization. We focus on classes given by universal and universal-existential sentences. In particular, we prove two amalgamation results using the technique of diagrams in the setting of structures valued on a finite MTL-algebra, from which analogues of the Łoś–Tarski and the Chang–Łoś–Suszko preservation theorems follow.
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  21. El valor compartido de la innovación ambiental: su rol como estrategia de responsabilidad social empresarial frente al cambio climático.Iván Vargas-Chaves & Mauricio Luna-Galvan - 2020 - In Iván Vargas-Chaves, Andrés Gómez-Rey & Adolfo Ibáñez-Elam, Escuela de Derecho Ambiental. Bogotá: Editorial Universidad del Rosario. pp. 187-205.
    En este paper los autores realizan un análisis transversal de la innovación ambiental como estrategia social y ambientalmente responsable de las empresas. Para dar cuenta del valor compartido generado el texto se enmarca en el cambio tecnológico generalizado y las prácticas socialmente responsables para mitigar las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, y para coadyuvar a lo más vulnerables a adaptarse a los efectos del calentamiento global.
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  22. GESTIÓN DEL CONOCIMIENTO PARA EL FORTALECIMIENTO DE HABILIDADES GERENCIALES.Diana Del Pilar Baracaldo Martínez, Katerine Lizeth Gómez Balanta & Oscar Iván Jara Buitrago - 2022 - Trabajos de Grado.
    El objetivo de este artículo es comprender la influencia de la gestión del conocimiento en el fortalecimiento de habilidades gerenciales. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de 35 autores, a partir de la cual se destacan 7 factores claves en común, en la implementación de modelos de gestión, como: información, aplicabilidad, construcción de conocimiento, trabajo colaborativo, cultura organizacional, transferencia del conocimiento y tecnología. Adicionalmente se identificaron habilidades gerenciales que se deben fortalecer, principalmente el liderazgo inspirador, pensamiento estratégico y comunicación. Este análisis (...)
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  23. Hans Maes and Katrien Schaubroeck (eds.) Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Before Midnight: A Philosophical Exploration. [REVIEW]Pilar Lopez-Cantero - forthcoming - Journal of Value Inquiry:1-6.
    According to the book blurb (p. iv), the themes explored in the volume include the nature of love, romanticism, and marriage; the passage and experience of time; the meaning of life; the art of conversation, the narrative self; gender; and death. All these topics are indeed touched upon to a greater or lesser extent. I find this book to be, in its essence, an investigation of love and romance. So, my main question here is: what can we learn about romantic (...)
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  24. Kristján Kristjánsson, Virtuous Emotions. [REVIEW]Pilar Lopez-Cantero - 2020 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 17 (4):457-460.
    Honouring a career-long commitment to interdisciplinarity which has guided a prolific publication history on character, virtue, and emotion, Kristjánsson leads by example in this book. Although he is clearly a philosopher, firmly pro-Aristotelian and devotes a large proportion of the book to look at the original source, Kristjánsson is happy to question or even downright abandon Aristotelian tradition if he has to–and to push the boundaries of philosophical thought on emotions. As a result, Virtuous Emotions has something to offer to (...)
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  25. Emily Thomas, The Meaning of Travel. [REVIEW]Pilar Lopez-Cantero - 2021 - Philosophical Quarterly 71 (3):655-658.
    A philosopher's inquiry on travel may take different paths. Emily Thomas follows several in The Meaning of Travel, where she uncovers novel philosophical debates such as the ontology of maps or the ethics of ‘doom tourism’. Perhaps unexpectedly for the reader, Thomas also offers accessible and engaging discussions on—mostly Early—Modern philosophy by connecting travel-related topics to the work of some well-known authors (René Descartes and Francis Bacon), some unjustly neglected ones (Margaret Cavendish) and some known mostly to specialists (Henry More). (...)
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    Violencia, poder y sociedad. La reflexión filosófica de Thomas Hobbes y Elías Canetti.Yenny Pilar Reyes González - 2021 - Dissertation, Universidad de Pamplona
    El presente texto está compuesto por tres capítulos en los cuales se esboza la filosofía política de Elías Canetti y Thomas Hobbes, en torno al concepto de la conformación de masas y el Estado civil; con el fin de responder a uno de los temas más controversiales, vigentes y constantes de las sociedades humanas como es el continuo movimiento y creación de masas bajo diferentes motivos. De esta manera, se develan los aspectos sobre la necesidad de pertenecer a un grupo (...)
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  27. galvanism and excitability in Friedrich Schlegel's Theory of the Fragment.Jeffrey Reid - 2008 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 38 (1):1-15.
    Friedrich Schlegel's theory of irony is examined with reference to his theory of the literary fragment. Both are informed not only by Fichte's I = I but by Ritter's theory of galvanism as well as by John Brown's theory of medicine. In Ritter, electrical energy is created through the compression of opposite chemical elements in a closed (fragmentary) space. Brown's theory of excitability presents the compressive "other" as actually soliciting the energetic sparks that Schlegel associates with Witz. The literary fragment (...)
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  28. Doing Philosophy in Northern Philippines: Interviews with Serrano, Centeno, and Alterado, Officers of the Philosophical Association of Northern Luzon.Jan Gresil Kahambing - 2021 - Lukad: An Online Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):5-27.
    Established in the northernmost part of the country in 2003, the Philosophical Association of Northern Luzon, Incorporated (PANL) is one of the regional philosophical organizations in the country. This interview article aims to produce the first published historical account of this organization as it marked its 18th year of existence and in connection with the development of Filipino philosophy. Thus, this interview article focused on the history of PANL as it differentiates itself from the national philosophical organizations, such as the (...)
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  29. Dignidad humana, democracia integral y constitucionalismo humanista: pilares del desarrollo humano integral.Jesús E. Caldera Ynfante (ed.) - 2023 - Benevento, Italia: Universidad Giustino Fortunato - Editoriale Scientifica.
    Se analiza la relación de la dignidad humana con el derecho fundamental a la democracia y la configuración del constitucionalismo humanista, vigente desde la segunda postguerra mundial, como pilares de la procura del desarrollo humano integral (DHI) a partir de la premisa contenida en el derecho convencional internacional y el derecho interno de los países de Occidente sobre derechos humanos: todas las personas somos iguales en dignidad y derechos. Se describe la dignidad humana desde la perspectiva dogmático-jurídica, acuñada por la (...)
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    Das Ereignis, pilar de la filosofía heideggeriana.Angel Nicolas Pernigotti - manuscript
    El objetivo del presente trabajo es reflexionar sobre el pensamiento heideggeriano, principalmente en torno al concepto de Ereignis, el cual puede encontrarse con múltiples traducciones, las principales de ellas: acaecimiento, evento, acontecimiento, suceso, etc. Analizaremos el devenir del concepto en el pensamiento del filósofo alemán, como también la relevancia del mismo en su filosofía del lenguaje. Para finalizar, abordaremos la importancia del concepto de Evento (Ereignis), no solo en el lenguaje sino también en la dimensión histórica del Dasein. The aim (...)
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  31. Política de reconocimiento, deber de asistencia y acciones positivas-negativas: Tres pilares para la cimentación de un derecho global al acceso a los medicamentos.Iván Vargas-Chaves - 2014 - In Gloria-Amparo Rodríguez & Iván Vargas-Chaves, Políticas de igualdad e intereses colectivos. Bogotá: Grupo Editorial Ibañez. pp. 115-135.
    Se hace un llamado de atención a través de este capítulo de libro a los gobiernos locales y la Academia, para proponer políticas públicas donde se incluyan bases o lineamientos para la estructuración de un derecho global de acceso a los medicamentos. Para estos efectos, se importan a manera de pilares, tres planteamientos desde la óptica de la justicia global, que consideramos pueden acoplarse a esta problemática, y que aportan elementos novedosos al abordaje de los numerosos obstáculos que se suelen (...)
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  32. Linguagem, Significado e Verdade: Incertezas e Pilares na Pesquisa em Estudos da Linguagem.Talita de Oliveira - 2016 - Revista FSA 13 (3):180-198.
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    El ideal de ciudadanía democrática en el proyecto de Filosofía para Niños de Matthew Lipman.Bibiana Judith Cruz Rivera & César Augusto Mora Alonso - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:1-18.
    Uno de los pilares del proyecto de Filosofía para Niños de Matthew Lipman lo constituye su concepción de ciudadanía democrática, en razón de que es la encargada de promover y preservar el establecimiento de una democracia de alta calidad, que representa mucho más que la mera idea de sistema de gobierno o de régimen político. En efecto, la ciudadanía democrática asume esta forma de organización de la sociedad como una manera de vivir, lo que debe traducirse en que las acciones (...)
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  34. Climate Change, Moral Integrity, and Obligations to Reduce Individual Greenhouse Gas Emissions.Trevor Hedberg - 2018 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 21 (1):64-80.
    Environmental ethicists have not reached a consensus about whether or not individuals who contribute to climate change have a moral obligation to reduce their personal greenhouse gas emissions. In this paper, I side with those who think that such individuals do have such an obligation by appealing to the concept of integrity. I argue that adopting a political commitment to work toward a collective solution to climate change—a commitment we all ought to share—requires also adopting a personal commitment to reduce (...)
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  35. The Force of Ideas in Spinoza.Hasana Sharp - 2007 - Political Theory 35 (6):732-755.
    This paper offers an interpretation of Spinoza's theory of ideas as a theory of power. The consideration of ideas in terms of force and vitality figures ideology critique as a struggle within the power of thought to give life support to some ideas, while starving others. Because ideas, considered absolutely on Spinoza's terms, are indifferent to human flourishing, they survive, thrive, or atrophy on the basis of their relationship to ambient ideas. Thus, the effort to think and live well requires (...)
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  36. Generative Disgust, Aesthetic Engagement, and Community.Erin Bradfield - 2022 - In Max Ryynänen, Heidi Kosonen & Susanne Ylönen, Cultural Approaches to Disgust and the Visceral. Routledge. pp. 175-187.
    How do individuals and communities respond to negative aesthetic experience? Historically, philosophical aesthetics has devoted much thought to positive aesthetic experience, including the beautiful, agreeable, charming, and tasteful. But this is only a partial picture. Some aesthetic experience displeases: the ugly, disgusting, and horrific are but a few examples with which aestheticians have grappled in recent decades. The aversive and visceral nature of disgust has generated particular interest. But as Carolyn Korsmeyer points out in _Savoring Disgust: The Foul & the (...)
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  37. How pandemic has influenced the game between interest groups and politics. A theoretical Model.Anjeza Xhaferaj - 2021 - Polis 20 (2):103-113.
    When parties and interest groups interact, they can do so in several ways which could be on an informal level, lobbying for a party candidate, or group representatives approach party leaders in the parliament to lobby them on an issue. There is a plethora of studies on the extent to which major political parties and major interests have related in the past and continue to relate or interact at the organizational level. Researchers have investigated to what extent parties and groups (...)
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  38. Homelessness & the Limits of Hospitality.Anya Daly - 2017 - Philosophy Now 123:11-13.
    This article explores the issue of homelessness from the perspective of someone who has experienced homelessness, as someone who has worked with the homeless and heard the stories of ‘our friends on the street’, as a mother distressed to see other mothers’ children, no matter their age, in such dire circumstances, and as a philosopher driven to interrogate the hidden assumptions and beliefs motivating our choices, judgments, and behavior. I wish to stress that homelessness must be addressed from the philosophical (...)
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  39. The Post-Cinematic Gesture: Redhack.Ekin Erkan - 2020 - Zapruder World 6.
    Over the last thirty years, once staunchly film history scholars such as Thomas Elsaesser, Jane Gaines, Siegfried Zielinski, André Gaudreault and Benoît Turquety (to name just a few) have abandoned history for historiography and film studies for media archaeology. Considering the heightened attention given to kulturtechnik (Siegert), the database as a dominant symbolic metaphor,1 and the decentered networked tenants of the postmodern global present, cinema is taking on the characteristics of new media, existing in increasingly intertextual space. Thus, the term (...)
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  40. Holograms: The story of a word and its cultural uses.Sean F. Johnston - 2017 - Leonardo 50 (5):493-499.
    Holograms reached popular consciousness during the 1960s and have since left audiences alternately fascinated, bemused or inspired. Their impact was conditioned by earlier cultural associations and successive reimaginings by wider publics. Attaining peak public visibility during the 1980s, holograms have been found more in our pockets (as identity documents) and in our minds (as video-gaming fantasies and “faux hologram” performers) than in front of our eyes. The most enduring, popular interpretations of the word “hologram” evoke the traditional allure of magic (...)
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  41. The Inhuman Overhang: On Differential Heterogenesis and Multi-Scalar Modeling.Ekin Erkan - 2020 - la Deleuziana 11:202-235.
    As a philosophical paradigm, differential heterogenesis offers us a novel descriptive vantage with which to inscribe Deleuze’s virtuality within the terrain of “differential becoming,” conjugating “pure saliences” so as to parse economies, microhistories, insurgencies, and epistemological evolutionary processes that can be conceived of independently from their representational form. Unlike Gestalt theory’s oppositional constructions, the advantage of this aperture is that it posits a dynamic context to both media and its analysis, rendering them functionally tractable and set in relation to other (...)
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  42. Mr Galt Goes To Washington.D. N. Byrne - 2019 - Australasian Journal of American Studies 2 (38):97-125.
    Two recently published oral histories highlight the long-term trend concerning the mainstreaming of Objectivism, the political and economic ideas of the libertarian conservative writer and ideologue, Ayn Rand. Scott McConnell’s sympathetic interview collection focuses on supporters and acquaintances from Rand’s active period in the 1960s and 1970s. These supporters and acquaintances include former Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser, who provides McConnell with his considered views concerning Rand. Gary Weiss’s critical interview collection focusses on her more recent supporters, with one displeased (...)
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  43. Canadian Environmental Philosophy.C. Tyler DesRoches, Frank Jankunis & Byron Williston (eds.) - 2019 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Canadian Environmental Philosophy is the first collection of essays to take up theoretical and practical issues in environmental philosophy today, from a Canadian perspective. The essays cover various subjects, including ecological nationalism, the legacy of Grey Owl, the meaning of “outside” to Canadians, the paradigm shift from mechanism to ecology in our understanding of nature, the meaning and significance of the Anthropocene, the challenges of biodiversity protection in Canada, the conservation status of crossbred species in the age of climate change, (...)
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  44. Translating the Idiom of Oppression: A Genealogical Deconstruction of FIlipinization and the 19th Century Construction of the Modern Philippine Nation.Michael Roland Hernandez - 2019 - Dissertation, Ateneo de Manila University
    This doctoral thesis examines the phenomenon of Filipinization, specifically understood as the ideological construction of a “Filipino identity” or ‘Filipino subject-consciousness” within the highly determinate context provided by the Filipino ilustrado nationalists such as José Rizal, Marcelo H. del Pilar and their fellow propagandists inasmuch as it leads to the nineteenth (19th) century construction of the modern Philippine nation. Utilizing Jacques Derrida’s deconstructive thinking, this study undertakes a genealogical critique engaged on the concrete historical examination of what is meant (...)
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  45. Do our automated unconscious behaviors reveal our real selves and hidden truths about the universe? -- A review of David Hawkins ‘Power vs Force-the hidden determinants of human behavior –author’s official authoritative edition’ 412p(2012)(original edition 1995).Michael Starks - 2017 - Philosophy, Human Nature and the Collapse of Civilization -- Articles and Reviews 2006-2017 3rd Ed 686p(2017).
    I am very used to strange books and special people but Hawkins stands out due to his use of a simple technique for testing muscle tension as a key to the “truth” of any kind of statement whatsoever—i.e., not just to whether the person being tested believes it, but whether it is really true! What is well known is that people will show automatic, unconscious physiological and psychological responses to just about anything they are exposed to—images, sounds, touch, odors, ideas, (...)
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  46. ¿Qué son los derechos fundamentales?Jesús E. Caldera-Ynfante & Rafael Rosell-Aiquel - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (2):1-18.
    Se responde, desde la dogmática de la Corte Constitucional colombiana, aduciendo los “criterios de identificación” normativa de los derechos fundamentales centrados en i) su relación de funcionalidad con el logro del contenido normativo de la dignidad humana, ii) su traducción como derechos subjetivos, iii) los “consensos dogmáticos, jurisprudenciales o de derecho internacional, legal y reglamentario sobre su fundamentalidad” y, iv) su exigibilidad -más que su propia justiciabilidad-, como presupuestos jurídicos, reconocimiento y aplicación pragmática constitucional en la esfera de vida de (...)
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  47. Do our automated unconscious behaviors reveal our real selves and hidden truths about the universe? -- A review of David Hawkins ‘Power vs Force--the hidden determinants of human behavior –author’s official authoritative edition’ 412p (2012)(original edition 1995)(review revised 2019).Michael Starks - 2019 - In Suicidal Utopian Delusions in the 21st Century -- Philosophy, Human Nature and the Collapse of Civilization -- Articles and Reviews 2006-2019 4th Edition. Las Vegas , NV USA: Reality Press. pp. 353-357.
    I am very used to strange books and special people, but Hawkins stands out due to his use of a simple technique for testing muscle tension as a key to the “truth” of any kind of statement whatsoever—i.e., not just to whether the person being tested believes it, but whether it is really true! What is well known is that people will show automatic, unconscious physiological and psychological responses to just about anything they are exposed to—images, sounds, touch, odors, ideas, (...)
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  48. Filosofía Lúdica: Pensar jugando desde el cuerpo en movimiento (8th edition).Cristina Toti - 2024 - Revista Pensar Juntos 8:1-17.
    El artículo tiene como objetivo explorar el papel del juego y del enfoque lúdico dentro de la Filosofía Lúdica (Filú), un movimiento educativo arraigado en la Filosofía para Niños y Niñas (FpN). Desde la perspectiva de un aprendiz, se subraya que, en la evolución de Filú, el juego no se considera simplemente un componente adicional, sino un pilar esencial, especialmente cuando lo lúdico se integra de manera crucial en el proceso de aprendizaje junto al cuerpo. La dimensión lúdica abarca (...)
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  49. Hume y Priestley: afinidades y tensiones en torno al materialismo.Sofia Calvente - 2024 - Materialismo, Hedonismo y Ateísmo. Nuevas Discusiones Sobre la Filosofía de la Ilustración.
    En este trabajo me ocuparé de las resonancias que tuvo el modo en el que Hume aborda la cuestión de la materialidad de la mente en uno de los materialistas más notables de las Islas Británicas del siglo XVIII, Joseph Priestley. La influencia que ejerció el enfoque humeano acerca del materialismo en la obra de Priestley no ha sido suficientemente puesta de relieve o ha sido desestimada. En buena medida, esto se debe a que Priestley tienen una actitud crítica hacia (...)
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    La asignatura de Historia de la Filosofía contemporánea en el doble grado en Derecho Y Filosofía.Nolo Ruiz - 2024 - In Inmaculada Marín Alonso & María de Paz, Materiales didácticos y de coordinación interdisciplinar de asignaturas en el doble grado en derecho y filosofía. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch. pp. 109-120.
    Comprender la Historia de la Filosofía Contemporánea supone entender en muchos y muy significativos aspectos el mundo actual y sus vicisitudes históricas, éticas y políticas, epistemológicas, antropológicas, estéticas, metafísicas, etc. De ahí la enorme importancia que supone el estudio de una materia como esta para el alumnado del Doble Grado en Derecho y Filosofía en tanto que pilar que permite situar la filosofía presente y navegar desde ella por el flujo de los, anchamente entendidos, tiempos actuales, en todas sus (...)
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